Panicky Idiot is slow on the draw

Feb 28, 2009 18:32

You know, considering all the horrible stuff that's going on it would be nice if we had a reliable news source. There's no way we should have had to wait for the Patrolmen to decide to release the information before knowing about the horrible killer on the loose. I don't understand how people can just go on with their lives (and their parties!) when whoever killed those people is still out there. I mean I don't want to sound like an alarmist but is it really safe? I mean what if this lunatic decides now would be a good time to start planting bombs and his first target is the onsen? Of all the times to have a party!

I REALLY miss the internet. Being cut off from information and the outside world like's ridiculous.

At least I have a new job that's more suited to me. Though I feel uncomfortable going too and from work, all things considered. At this rate I'll never leave my room.

Byakuran-san, I need to talk to you.

i'm a nerd, all alone, someone never found a date

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