Roommate trouble

Jun 12, 2008 22:37

[filtered away from Vyers]

Er, I don't suppose anyone knows who I talk to about switching rooms? The third floor appears to be almost empty, so it can't be an issue of space and...well, I don't think I can stand to room with Vyers any longer. At first he was just loud, insulting and generally inconsiderate but the last few days he's done nothing but...sob. I've tried asking him if he was okay but all he did was cry at me (which was really awkward). To make matters worse I left for a few minutes to get something to eat and he must have locked the door behind me. He doesn't seem to plan on letting me back in any time soon.

I know I could probably have someone let me in, or get another key made, but I really think it would be easier if I just found somewhere else to stay, at least until Vyers stops acting insane calms down.

Does anyone know Vyers well and could reason with him? I'd at least like to get my stuff (well, my jacket, I guess) out of the room [/filter]

[Private] I don't understand that memory at all. What happened to that man (Glo?) that left him so battered? Broken fingers, a broken jaw...just what sort of dangerous thing was I involved in?

I don't know how much I should tell Byakuran-san. I have no reason to keep anything from him but...I just need to get some things sorted out first.[/private]

((3% memory regain, 3% total.))

whining, vyers

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