name: eddie
age: 21
location: orange county, ca
five favorite bands: guns n' roses, queen, wu-tang clan, dystopia, rudimentary peni
astrological sign: sagittarius
most positive quality: loyal
most negative quality: a bit anti-social, kinda lazy
major goal: to pick a major goal
ten words to describe you: i don't really like to talk about myself. nine. ten.
three words to describe your look/style: dirty, skinny, trashy
you go to a show on friday night, what are you doing there? overpaying, getting some dirty looks
what do you consider the biggest threat to our modern musical culture? the opportunity to capitalize off of it in every possible way.
add something interesting. really. i have a clock that's an over-sized gold watch. (sorry, i was fresh out of interesting)
OPINIONS:what do you think of...
drugs: ok for some, bad for others. it's up to the individual
fashion: people wear some stupid shit.
television: there's a handful of good shows, but too many commercials. oddly, i like info-mercials
sex: very enjoyable, but way overrated
money: evil. people actually pay for oxygen. that was the last free thing on earth
guns: i love them. and as long as cops have them, people should too.
high school dropouts: i know waaaaay too many to comment.