Nov 03, 2007 18:27
So. NaBloPoMo.
Who comes up with these ridiculous terms anyway? Why not just say National Blog Posting Month and be done with it. Honestly, if you're going to be the kind of person who participates in this sort of thing, I'm wagering your typing speed is at least 70 wpm, and it's not like you have to type it out more than once if it's all too much effort for you. Just type the whole fucking thing out so everyone knows what you're talking about.
I'm presuming the kind of people who come up with these terms are the same people who ditch something they like as soon as it becomes popular or well known just because. They wear turtlenecks and berets and hang out in Apple stores, blogging exclusively from their new iBooks or overpriced iPhones.
The term national is redundant in any case - internet blogs by their very nature are not national, they're worldwide, or international. WoBloPoMo sounds better anyway, but only because I love alliteration.
tl;dr - I'm going to particpate.
Why am I doing this? Because I'm a sucker for punishment and I really should write things down more often instead of letting them fall by the wayside. I will cheat a little, however - not all these daily entries will be visible. Some will have a very select audience, and some will have none at all. They'll be just for me.
There's no ongoing theme, no works of brilliant ficiton. I'm just going to post more for this month and see what happens.
Although I'm pretty sure I'm screwed now that I've already used the wildcard, which was whining about NaBloPoMo Worldwide Blog Posting Month. Crap.
Bring on the weekend.
nablopo...oh whatever