Well, that explains some things

Nov 12, 2011 07:57

I'm cleaning out the master suite so it can eventually become my room and I am finding dirty laundry stashed in odd places. I guess Dad forgot where the laundry hamper was (he didn't always, as I did laundry and he would put stuff in it); no wonder I kept buying socks and underwear! I also found what became of his good slacks. He stuffed them in a corner instead of hanging them up or leaving them on a chair for me to hang up.

I also found a fire extinguisher under the bed. I wonder if it still works, as I think it's good to have one around. But how useful would a fire extinguisher be stowed under the bed where one couldn't, you know, REACH IT IMMEDIATELY especially if the fire starts in the kitchen (the most likely place)?

I feel as if I'm on a wild and wacky treasure hunt. I wonder if I will find any Horcruxes?


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