This is my FAVORITE Horrible History - the 4 Georges!

Feb 24, 2010 20:00

Pure. Comedy. GOOOOOLD! The four Kings George (King Georges?) of the Georgian Era reincarnate as a BOY BAND! Though the history geek in me nitpicks that:

1 - George III was George II's GRANDson. Though indeed, George II fought with his son, whose name was Frederick, and George IV (aka "the fat one") and his father George III didn't get along AT ALL either.

2 - It was George II who ate too much fruit and then died on the loo. What a way to go. And it was also George II who told his dying wife at her deathbed that, instead of remarrying, "I'll just have mistresses!" Queen Caroline's priceless response: "My God, that would not stop you!"

Not nitpicks, but further George Fun Facts:

George I was the subject of Cam Ye O'er frae France, whose author (a Jacobite? James Hogg? No-one knows for sure) skewered him as a whoremonger and cuckold whose "bum" was going to be danced upon by Highlanders in a song guaranteed to please your inner twelve-year-old. More here (PDF). This George also imprisoned his own wife for adultery (of which she was guilty) while he himself carried on an affair with his own half-sister. Take a guess why his son, George II, HATED him.

George IV didn't like his wife (another Caroline - it seems to have been the "in" name for German princesses in that era) either, and she didn't like him. They were separated for all but the first year of their marriage, and when their young-adult daughter died, George didn't write to tell her, and she had to find out from the Pope. On a much more LULZ note, George wore, for his visit to Scotland - a kilt, with pink tights underneath. A PLAID KILT. WITH PINK TIGHTS UNDERNEATH.

But still, the Kings George as a BOY BAND is 100% comedy gold. I think it's my favorite Horrible History - this, and Edmund II's Stupid Death.

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