You know you're working too hard when...

Nov 03, 2006 16:47 dream of Richard Dawkins. No, thank the deities, not like THAT. But I had a weird dream where I was attending a Richard Dawkins lecture and someone in the audience asked him about Buddhism. And he said, "I have nothing against Buddhism because it isn't really a religion."

Hmmm. I've heard Buddhists say that no, Buddhism isn't really a religion per se as much as it is a belief system, or guidelines for living. And Theravada Buddhism, at least, is non-theistic. Which probably makes Dawkins all happy 'n stuff. Still, it sounded vaguely insulting. But then I woke up.

In any event, I know I'm working too hard, and if I have to dream of British guys I would rather dream of Jason Isaacs or David Tennant, TYVM. And I'm not going to stop working through the weekend and all of next week as I have a cubic ton of homework and papers due. When I have a break I'm going to make my Evil Mint-Chocolate-Chip cookies.

BPAL news: White Moon is gorgeous and very floral. I love it. I have an imp of Yerevan I should try but I uncorked it and it smelled like toejam so I don't know if I can bring myself to wear it. And, finally, I'm selling or swapping my Pumpkin Queen as it is too much with the citrus.

dreams, schoolwork, life, bpal

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