My BPAL Monster Bait Underpants arrived! In the bottle and wet, it smells like the Cookie Monster has turned pirate - rum and sugar cookie. Then it dries down to a sweet and spicy sandalwood. It's yummy.
The generous
siriusstar has sent me an imp of Mercury - my Mystery Swap! Just what I need right now because it will help me with my studies. And, I swapped with someone on the LJ comm for an imp of Antique Lace. I'm dying to smell what
athanata and everyone else squees about.
In other news, I am still busy with schoolwork, as well as dancing attendance on kitty girls and Lord Nutsy's minions. I'm going to try to catch up on my friendslist tomorrow. Speaking of kitty girls, Stella celebrated her 17th birthday two weeks ago (April 27). She got roast turkey and a plush kitty toy stuffed with catnip. The catnip stuffing is very ingenious (and no mess!) - the catnip comes in a "teabag" and you open up the plush toy and put the catnip teabag inside. No more catnip leaves on the carpet.
I got graduation info in the mail today and it's just a little over a month away (June 17). I can't wait. I'm still tying myself in knots over something happening that delays my graduation, but at the same time I tell myself it's just one more month...