Jul 05, 2005 13:03


BLAH. Ummmhmmm.. Cassy left around 9ish this morning to go back to Long Beach. It's already weird, because it felt like she wasn't here for more than a day. Well.. it was great seeing her again and hanging out like old times. LETS SEE HERR! Like I said ALOT happend and I've been too lazy to update about it all.
We went to Old Man's Cave the 2nd night Cas was here. That was umm.. interesting? We walked flippin 3 or 4 miles on a nature trail. The only remotely neat part about that whole place was the caves and water falls. The only problem with the water falls is that there WASN'T ANY! No rain fall= no water fall. Blah. That sucked. But it was still a pretty neat place. Cassy nagged(complained) the whole way.. which was pretty funny. Hey, atleast it wasn't me that time that was getting on my parents nerves. Hahaha :P
Went to Cedar Point last Monday.. and damn was it hot!! Well my dimwit self wore a polyester polo shirt. So I over heated most of the day. Well someone could have warned me not to! Oh wait.. my mom did. tehe. Ah ya gotta love water rides buddy! They sure cool ya down. Dude they have the most crazyest looking roller coast there, the Dragster. It goes straight up 420 ft. then straight down at 120 mph! Omgolly I know I wouldn't be able to get myself to ride that sucker! Uh ugh, oh nono! =O Dude the lines at that place are crazy! We waited a freakin 1 1/2 hrs. to ride the Rapture. Crazy crazy. Well for the most part.. I saw alot of cute guys in the line ;) hehe. I also got to face my biggest fear there.. the dun dun dun.. the MAGNUM. Dude that ride rocks now.
Ummm what else did we do!? Sorry my mind is shooting blank, because the lack of sleep and food(energy). walked up to the mall, k-mart. blah blah nothing interesting there. Anna, Cassy, and I all dyed our hair. I have red highlights, Anna now has some purplish color, and Cassy.. well she did have red highlights. Ummm went to Red, White, and Boom Friday(or it could be saturday) in downtown Columbus. That place was packed with a couple thousand or two people there waiting for the fireworks. It was okay. I'm not big on watching fireworks.. but it was fun. The funnest part was when me and Cassy we're making fun of my brother and his friends. Hehe :) fun fun. Then when we got home my brother, his friends, my dad, me, and Cassy all got in the hot tub. We had a little water war for the most part. :)
Umm.. for the 4th we had a family get-together for my dad's side of the family here. I'm surprised alot of people didn't show up, or as I thought there would be more than what showed up. The party blowed.. just yeah. I was getting aggravated with alot. But I was really happy to see my cousin Katie who I've seen in almost a year. But yea, then my uncle invited me and Cassy, and Anna to go on a hot air ballon ride. Which was really nice of him to do. Anna: remember next week *wink* The ballon ride was exciting.. just it gets boring after a while. All I wanted to do was land for the most part. But it still was pretty neat to do. I loved the landing part.. even though it scared myself shitless. hehe it was fun! Umm.. then later around 10ish Bradley came over and we all hung outside until about 12. Yep. More happend, but just minor things. Well, all in all.. it was a fun couple of days. :)

Humm this week/weekend should be pretty interesting...

Now I shall go clean, eat food, and shower. Just not in that order. buhbye.
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