Jun 12, 2005 15:49

it's raining again :grin: it's rained almost everyday since school got out. we're supposed to get some bad weather later tonight/tomorrow, b/c of that tropical storm. hehe i love storms.. they're what i call exciting :) .so lately life has been on the eventful side, which rocks. yesterday my parents, anna, and me all went to my uncle mike's house for a small get-together on my mom's side of the family. it was neat, b/c he lives out in the country and there's this house with a big barn full of farm animals.. and me and anna got to pet and hang out with the horses, llamas, roosters, and goats. the llama kind of scared me though b/c he was freaking huge, lol. but he was soo cute.. he smiles alot. and the horses were all really really sweet. they kept kissing our chests.. hah it was funny. but yeah.. i love it out there. the country is so peaceful. i would love it if i ever got to move out there. yeah dreaming there. anyways, right now i am beyond bored. duna duna duna.. someone save me! :( oh btw, david your plan rocks. i think ya'll should do it.. and yeah it sounds like a cool idea :p .hmm dah. i am bored. what shall i do today? nothing probably, because of the rain. :sniff: i am tired.. this has been the 5th time in a row that i woke up from banging my head hard against the wall. hmm i'm getting the impression that sleeping against the wall is a bad idea.. harhar i'm a dork. lala.. ya'll i live such a boring life. (( note to self: get a life! )) eyup! i wish i could pack up a couple days worth of clothes, buy a round-trip grayhound ticket, and go where ever the heck i want for a couple of days. woo sounds exciting, yet costly and unexsisting. that ain't gonna happen unfortunately. yea yea, well l8r

(i had 3 cups of coffee before writing this..so if that tells ya anything)
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