Very busy indeed

Apr 09, 2010 12:48


it's not as if I would have forgotten about livejournal and all my dear friends here, but ... well, how to put it? My life in the last months has changed so much and actually ... it has almost become "boring", but in a good way: No drama, no worries about the future anymore, but a kind of contentment I've never known before. I've arrived where I belong and I'm happy there. I enjoy living with Mr Red Head (though we're already trough our argument where he learned that he isn't the only one in this relationship who can become rather loud)and we both sometimes wonder how easily we've settled in certain routines and even in sharing a desk most of the time. Of course, sometimes he looks over his to mine and wonders aloud how one can work in such a "terrible mess" (says the man who's desk mostly is so covered with papers and books that one can't see the wood of it anymore)and sometimes I even get a bit of a lecture about "If you wouldn't always try to do three things at once you'd probably finish more with less stress", but I find I can easily tolerate Mr Uber-Organized while he obviously can easily bear the mess I spread around me whereever I am ("Darling, I really don't mind you're reading in bed and if you think you must read three books at once, it's fine too. Only I'm not too happy about sleeping on two of them. Could you perhaps read paperbacks? They wouldn't be so unpleasant to have in one's back ..."). He always comforts himself that I'm at least mostly punctual. ;)

Besides of my private life I'm in the moment rather happy in my professional life, too. My public relation work for the producer of riding equipment is doing fine and the client is very pleased; my work for the dressage mistress and her foundation is very interesting and rewarding too. And through her - the dressage mistress - I came to get another client: Martin Lacey jr.

Martin is an animal trainer and as such a specialist for lions. He and his beautiful "kitties" (he always grins when I name them so, but it's him who always cuddles them and makes them appear like big kitties)work for the Zirkus Krone and what and how they do is really fascinating to watch. I must admit that I was first a bit reluctant about lions in a zirkus - I had all the prejudices people have about this subject: Poor lions, living in small cages, being shown all the time ...
But the more I got to know Martin and his lions, the more I got that they are obviously rather happy animals who probably don't mind to "work" for their living - I mean, free lions have to do even more work for getting their feed. Besides I've learned that that horse people could learn a big lot from Martin. He really only uses positive motivation for training his lions and in the contrast to most horse people and their "My horse has to do what I want him to do whenever I want him to do it" attitude he's always watching out for the "mood" of his animals and willing to cut them some slack when they have a bad day.
His way of dealing with his lions is born by respect, love and a deep understanding of their ways and characters (small wonder: Martin's father works with lions, his mother was working with tigers, his brother works with lions and tigers, so Martin grew up with big cats and was around them all his life).
Besides his lions don't live in small cages, but rather big enclosures with boards to sit up on (lions love that), things to play with and on hot summer days they even get a swimming pool. And one thing shows clearly that they are pleased with their life: Except of the three white lions Martin got from other places, the brown lions were all either breed by his family or by Martin himself. And just in the moment he hopes that at least one of his white ladies got pregnant.

And that leads me to my favourite lion: king_tonga. He's white, he's beautiful, he's a real character and he's got a livejournal where he will publish his insights about the world and humans and a lion's life. And if you're interested in lions I invite you to king_tonga's livejournal. In the moment it's only in German ,but there's an English version to come and as soon as it's up I'll tell you (because I'm his 'secretary', writing his live journal entries for him. You must understand: He's a king and used on having servants all around him).

zirkus, red head, martin, king tonga

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