Meme time and the daily bulletin from the four legged ex-patient

Jan 06, 2008 16:57

First: Robin's fit again! And even more: We both have survived lunging. Luckily it rained all night, so the ground of our outdoor arena was pretty soft and deep. Robin doesn't like deep ground - it's exhausting to move on. So his inborn phlegm mostly won over his wish to play the wild thing. He only jumped and raced for three or four times and then only for half a round - just until he came to the part of the circle where the ground was really deep. There he always immediately stopped and moved normal again.
However, I watched his legs for the 25 minutes he was working very, very closely - and he's really okay again. Nothing to see anymore and the way he moves shows clearly that he isn't in pain anymore. I'm so glad about!
And tomorrow the farrier will come and take down his hoof shoes. Then we're really ready for winter and hacking out when it's snowing. I'd actually like that ...

But now the meme I gacked from apisa_b: Here we go:

Iknow very little about some of the people on my friends list. Somepeople I know relatively well. I read your journals, or we havesomething else in common, and we chat occasionally. Some of you Ihardly know at all. Perhaps you lurk, for whatever reason. But youfriended me, and I thank you for your interest in my words.

But here's a thought: why not take this opportunity to tell me a littlesomething about yourself. Any old thing at all. Just so the next time Isee your name I can say: "Ah, there's so and so...they enjoy the mildtaste of Diet Coke but only if it contains rum"

I'd love it ifevery single person who friended me would do this. Yes, even you peoplewho I know really well. Then post this in your own journal and see whatgems of knowledge appear.

And if you cross-post this in your own journal, let me know so I can reply to you there.

robin, meme

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