The Robin update

Sep 08, 2007 22:26

I'm a lucky cow: My horse is fit. And obviously he's got a very healthy digestion system.

Robin survived his adventure with the mash barrel without any problems. This morning as we came in the stables, he looked out of his box and was his usual cheerful self. His belly is back at normal again, it doesn't feel hard anymore and the sounds of his bowels are back at normal too. Only he wasn't too happy with me because I needed to give him the medicine again. The stuff obviously tastes ghastly - and Robin has got a good memory. As he saw the big syringe with the brown stuff in my hand, he raised his head as high as he could and started to play tag with me in his box. After three minutes of following him with the thing I got his holder, ordered him to stand still (luckily he's a really well-behaved boy) and then kept him at the holder, injecting the stuff in the corner of his mouth. Robin definitely didn't like it. He looked at me as if he'd like to say: "You're mean!" and was for at least ten minutes totally in snit, standing in the farest corner of his box, "chewing" on the stuff and looking unhappy. I really pitied him, but couldn't help it - he was the one who'd feed all the mash, now he had to suffer with the medicine too. At least he's done with it now - I don't think he needs more of the stuff. And on Monday he'll even get oat again, so he can forget about his adventure.
Nevertheless I'm very glad he'll go to the Birkhof on Friday. I really don't trust the Talhof with Robin anymore. This morning as I was on my way there my cell phone was ringing - and as I saw the name "Margit" in the display, my first thought was: "ROBIN! Oh heavens, what happened now?" Luckily it wasn't something with Robin, but apisa_b, Larva and me being a bit late for apisa_b's riding lesson.
Oh, by the way: I think she was having fun at her lesson - and apisa_b was really doing well.
Tomorrow apisa_b and Larva will leave me - and it isn't only me who's going to miss the both of them, but Robin too. He enjoyed the attention he got and yesterday he showed already that he sees apisa_b and Larva as "part of the family". As we picked him up at the meadow, apisa_b stood behind for closing the door of the meadow. Robin, Larva and I were walking towards the stables - or better said, we wanted to. Only Robin didn't come with us. He suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked in apisa_b's direction, waiting for her to follow. As she came and patted his neck, it was okay - he marched home with us. And today he did just that again: Waiting for her and walking with the "entire" family to his box. I think tomorrow we're both going to miss the company.


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