The Bee Tree (Again!)

May 06, 2007 11:01

I remember commenting back in January, and again in March that the Melaleuca Leucodendron (paperbark) tree was flowering. I also commented that it usually flowers in May, and was wondering if it would still do so. It did.

The tree is covered with flowers, and consequently, with bees.

I decided to take a little video so that the number of bees was more apparent. You might be able to hear the hum of the bees under the bird sounds.

I had recorded the hum of bees, and a bird's call on audio, but I can't seem to find a way to include it in LJ. Oh well.

This SHOULD be the last flowering of this tree, as we're moving into winter, but I'll keep my options open!

While I was outside, I saw this little willy wagtail sitting on a post in our neighbour's front yard.

These are very cheeky and daring little birds. It stood on the driveway, taunting the cat. Banjo was thwarted, as usual!

garden, australian plants

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