The Italian Job, Draco/Hermione, NC17, Part 7/7

Nov 03, 2011 12:47

Yep - my facination with Draco and Hermione continues!

This time, the story stemmed from an invite to pinch-hit for the Dhficexchange over at LiveJournal dramione_duet... Lots of good stuff there, my friends. I SO recommend checking it out!

This time, our intrepid Harry Potter characters are 25 years old, and this story completely disregards The Epilogue - may it long lay in infamy. The chapters are going to be erratic in length, mostly due to the cadence of the story!

Here were the stipulations:
Dominant! Draco
Strong! Hermione
Compliancy: Post-DH, Epilogue? What Epilogue!
Era: Post Hogwarts
Rating: R, or, NC-17
HEA/HFN for Dramione
Absolutely NO Ron or Harry bashing; they're best friends!
Must contain the line: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus - where does that leave us?

Italian Job: Chapter 7

"Do you mean to say that there's 'somewhere else' you'd rather be 'going', Mister Malfoy?"

Hang the Ministry alongside the Ministry's need to do everything fecking thing in triplicate. Hermione wasn't the only one who had to back-track to the warren of subterranean paper-pushers in the wake of Arsuaga's arrest.

For three bloody hours, with his sleep-rumpled solicitor attached to his side, Draco was made to speak to one person after another about what he'd witnessed, why he'd been there in the first place, and this interview, the most ridiculous of them all, was all about how he felt about what had happened in Hyde Park.

"No, I did not." He repeated for the shock value, as well as the fact that it was the most dominant thought in his head, "I clearly stated: We're done now; there's someone else I'd rather be doing."

"Ah, yes… I see. Umm… Okay, Mister Malfoy." The under-secretary to some mid-level bureaucrat sitting behind a desk he clearly hadn't earned, fiddled with his quill. The man had no idea how to talk to, let alone 'handle' someone like Draco Malfoy. He did the only thing he could. "I think that's everything. You're free to go."

Draco wasn't even tempted to arch an eyebrow at the mousy little man. He was bored, anxious to get to Granger, and the combination set him decidedly on-edge. The way he swept out of the office, with the aristocratic airs taught to him by his mother and father, was enough to make the other man moisten his y-fronts.

His solicitor, a man who had passed over his own robes the moment he arrived so that Draco wasn't half-dressed in front of all and sundry, kept pace as he strode down the corridor. Draco walked him to the nearest Floo. They quietly agreed to meet on Tuesday to deal with any follow-up. Draco traded the neatly tied package the other man withdrew from his satchel for the robes he'd borrowed. Green flames flared. When they subsided, Draco stood alone. The package was wedged safely beneath his arm.

If a genie had suddenly appeared and offered him three wishes, he'd immediately have answered with: a bed, literally or figuratively; Granger; and twenty-four hours with Granger in her bed. Or his bed. It didn't matter whose bed, as long as it was a bed of some sort, Granger was in it, on it, or braced against it, and so that he could do things in the aforementioned bed with-and to-Granger.

The click-clack of heels striking the polished floor of the corridor made him believe, for just a moment, that wishes came true. Of the few people in the Ministry at half-past four in the morning on a Sunday, there was only one person he knew who'd be wearing ridiculously high heels and smelling like him.

He stood still and waited for her to reach his side.

She looked a little the worse for wear, but the bruise on her cheek was gone. She eyed the package with interest, but since he told her with a look that she'd find out about it later, she moved on. "Ready?"

"Like you have to ask, Granger."

She smirked wickedly at his implication. "One never knows with you, Malfoy. That's why I alwaysmake it a point to keep checking."

Her sass made him want her even more; what were a few scratches when one had the chance to tussle with a lioness?

He glanced up and down the hall before he leaned very close to her. "There are certain things you'll n-e-v-e-r have to guess at, Granger."

He drew enough Floo powder for both of them and tossed it into the fireplace. It was Granger who called out their actual destination.

His hands were on her the moment he'd cleared her fireplace and tossed that mysterious package onto her coffee table.

Warm, firm, determined and skilful-those were the only adjectives she had time to catalogue before his mouth descended on her lips and pure sensation travelled the length and breadth of her libido.

Her arms came up and clutched the muscles that bunched and released every time he sought a new area of her body to commit to memory.

Fingers nimble enough to balance the finest champagne flute, dexterous enough to reach and claim the most elusive Snitch, capable enough to sign off on business deals that spanned continents, and powerful enough to wield a hawthorn and unicorn hair wand, were applying all that training and experience to undressing her. Her belt fell to the floor, clanking when it landed on the carpet. The fingers slipped each button of her borrowed shirt free of its buttonhole, one at a time, with a deliberate slowness that was in direct contrast to the fervour with which he licked at every crevice of her mouth.

She could kiss him for hours. He had a mouth made to be kissed. Firm, well-shaped lips, and the ability make those lips one of the more formidable tools in his sexual repertoire.

She heard herself moan, she felt herself press against him. Her hands kneaded his back as she drew him as close to her as she could and he responded by lowering his arms. He stretched his fingers wide and filled his palms with her arse.

Her hands pushed his undershirt up and over his head.

He pulled away from her mouth; she rained kissed on his temples and hairline as he bent to taste the skin her outfit failed to cover. Clever licks from his tongue traced the inside curve of her breasts and small love bites peppered her skin from the not-so-gentle nips of teeth and lips.

Sex, Hermione - remember to keep this about sex and nothing more. The reason she'd run away from him three months ago was still valid, despite everything that had happened since.

"Shower time." She pulled back, and tugged on his hand, leading him out of her lounge, down the hall, and into her bathroom. "You've been saving something for me and I've decided that I want it now."

His eyes narrowed as he watched her turn on the shower and regulate the temperature. Something was up with his witch, and it was something to do with the sudden change that had come over her while they snogged each other senseless in her lounge.

She hadn't pulled away from him physically-that wasn't the problem because, if anything, she was more sexually aggressive and confident than ever. It was as if… It was as if… She was her, but she wasn't the woman who'd shagged him into the mattress three months ago; she was more like the woman who'd run away from him after she'd shagged him to a state of bonelessness. He couldn't name it, but he didn't like it. And what he didn't like, he was determined to change.

He locked his gaze with hers and offered her his hand.

He hoped she'd understand that his invitation was only partly to do with helping her into the shower, and more to do with asking her one last time whether he, and by extension, this thing that had grown between them, was what she still wanted.

They stepped into the shower.

The small pool of fresh-smelling soap, scented with notes of fresh grass and ocean breeze, became handfuls of fragrant lather that they spread over each other's bodies.

Rinsed clean, the urge-the need-to have her surged powerfully. Draco pushed Hermione forward, until her arms were braced against the front wall of the shower. He cupped a palm to her calf and lifted it until her foot rested on the spigot. He ran a hand up her thigh and gripped her hip, spread his legs, and slid his cock home.

Hot water beat on his chest and the tightest, wettest woman he'd ever been inside intimately clutched him. He set a pace that made her tilt her head towards the ceiling and cry out his name with every push and pull of his cock.

He needed more contact.

He leaned forward and drew her up right, adjusting his angle as she settled against him, and step-stumbled backwards, until his back met the wall of the shower. Bending at his knees, he held her with one arm flush against his body and used his free hand to tantalize her further by heaping sensual pleasures on her breast. Her arm snaked out. She found leverage by holding onto the shower head and lifting her foot against the wall. He took full advantage of her exposed neck.

"That's it, Princess." He breath was harsh and fast against her heated flesh. "Feel that? Do you? Been saving this," he pumped into her, "just for you."

She moaned deliciously. "Yes, gods, yes; you're so deep, so good."

"That's right. It's me that's inside you, fucking you so hard." His hand left her breast and pulled open her pussy lips so that the cascading water pounded her clit. "You're going to come for me, Hermione. You're going to come so hard, aren't you?"

"Uh, huh," she purred, "yes, yes, yes."

"Do it, Princess. Show me how you come."

"You know-you've seen me before…"

He chastised her with extra deep strokes that triggered a slew of incoherent words from each of them. Slowing down his pace to something more… leisurely… Draco panted roughly into her ear. "Not like this, Hermione. Not when you know there's no reason to run away from me, from us, from how it feels when we're together..."

A deep tremor shook her body. "I'm so close, Draco!"

"This is only round one, Princess. This is to warm you up so that you'll be able to take what we do next." His promise sent her keening into the steam that billowed around them. "You're going to teach me how to lick your pussy and make your clit big and juicy. Your going to show me."

He could feel his own orgasm rattling the insides of his thighs and snaking along his rigid erection. He was as close as she was. "Come for me, Hermione. Reach for it. Take it!"

"Oh, my, gods - Draco!"

He held onto to her as she bucked, the throes of her orgasm making her jerk in his arms and erratically squeeze his cock as powerful contractions quaked up and down her pussy.

He clamped his arms down on her, keeping her impaled on his length as his ejaculation ended in a yowl that left his throat raw, and rocked the bones in his body.

Hermione wasn't much steadier. Her breath was still ragged and aftershocks were making her tremble.

He was loathe to let her go, so he didn't.

He kept her close even as he slipped from her body, reached around her, and cut off the water. He pulled her head back to the ridge of his collar bone and kissed her deeply with broad, sweeping, swipes of his tongue and sweet suction of his lips. He helped her out of the shower and towelled her off before he wiped himself down. He dried their hair with a whispered spell. His smug male pride exulted at the way he'd reduced her to a state of complete lethargy.

He swept her up, one arm beneath her knees and the other across her back, and carried her to her bed. He set her down long enough to peel back the covers and then tucked her in, climbing in beside her.

He'd let her rest for a little while.

Then he'd make good on the promise he'd made to her and himself.

Delicate strokes circled her breasts and caressed the expanse of her stomach. Manicured nails combed her pubic hair and nimble fingers separated her nether lips.

She peered down at a very dishevelled Draco Malfoy as he got up-close-and-personal with her pussy.

"It hasn't changed since last time, you know."

"Oh yes it has, Princess." He looked up at her, the significance of what lay between them exposed by his double entendre.

She'd meant her comment about her physiology to show how casual she thought she'd have be about what they'd done, but Draco… Draco obviously wasn't. Could it be that something had changed with him, with them?

Could she trust him?

Draco Malfoy led the kind of lifestyle that was underwritten by money and privilege.

Could he trust her?

The rules by which she lived her life were subject by her current circumstance. Umbridge had banned wand-work in class, she deemed that unacceptable, hence she, with Harry's help, founded the DA. It was wrong for the Ministry to condemn Buckbeak and Sirius, so she, again with Harry's help, turned back time to prevent those travesties. Rules were important, except when her own moral compass, or the needs of those she cared about and loved, stripped them of their relevancy.

In that light, Draco had more cause to distrust her than she did him.

Now that was an eye opener.

Her lack of timely response earned her a nip to her still-sensitive clit. She squirmed as his mouth repeated his particular choice of punishment.

He took her lack of a reprimand as permission to crawl up her body. She watched him take his position between her legs and, keeping her legs tightly closed, slip his hard cock back into her.

Good Godric, he filled her perfectly!

He worked a hand between their bodies and, with some gentle manoeuvrings, he splayed her labia and aligned himself so that his pubic bone ground against her clit and his rock-hard length continued to spear her deeply.

"I have a proposal for you, Granger." He used his elbows to prop up his upper body while maintaining constant, all too stimulating, pressure on her clit.

How did he expect her to think while he had her impaled? His breathing vibrated her entire vulva.

"What's that, Malfoy?" Her eyes rolled with sensual bliss as he shifted slightly, reaching for something she couldn't see.

A beautifully crafted, braided golden cord came into view.

"Is that what was in that package?"

"Yes. It was crafted for an ancestor of mine who had blood ties to both the Black and Malfoy families." He licked his lips but didn't kiss her. "There's a lot that's unsettled between us, Hermione." The use of her given name conveyed how much thought he'd put into this. "Right now, we're very different people who have as many differences as we have things in common."

She had to agree with that. It was one of the reasons she'd never actively sought him out over the past two years, but also why she never denied herself the opportunity to be with him-except after they'd had sex at Augusta Longbottom's birthday party-either.

"I believe that the things we have in common are more fundamental than our differences, and that our differences stem from our lack of understanding of each other."

"I'd agree with that." She gave into the need to grind against him, to feel him move inside her. He 'rewarded' her initiative by paying overdue attention to her nipples. "What do you propose?"

He lifted his mouth off her tender peak so that he could look at her properly. "Hermione Granger, will you hand-fast yourself to me? Give us a year and a day to see if what we have is something worth making permanent or if it's just good sex between two consenting adults, with nothing to sustain a long-term romantic relationship. If we decide that we do have something special, great. If we don't, we both walk away with nothing but fond memories and a lasting friendship."

He was offering her all the trappings of an engagement minus the impending commitment of marriage and the ensuing societal obligations. Wizarding Hand-Fasting guaranteed fidelity, fostered loyalty, and connected the two parties' individual magics so that an intimacy on the most elemental level would exist between them for the rest of their lives.

Would it really be so bad to be linked so intrinsically to Draco should they decide to part ways in a year and a day? Because, as she and, apparently he, saw it, that was the only real risk they faced. Harry had already given her his blessing, and Ron would come around, too.

Hermione smiled. She could do this! His proposal proved that what she felt for him wasn't one sided.

"Yes." She nodded, the rightness of her decision thrumming through her. "What do we have to do?"

His smile reached his eyes. His jostling as he wrapped one end of the cord around the ring finger of her left hand and the opposite end around the ring finger of his left hand caused him to also rock deeper into her pussy. "This is for fidelity."

He then looped a bit of the slack around the breadth of their hands, making sure to lay the cord on top of their life lines. "This is to connect our lives, our loyalties."

She knew what the next part would be. And, as a 'reward' for him, she clenched her inner muscles around his still hard cock, sending a look of utmost concentration across his face and a powerful shudder throughout his body, which was then intimately returned to her. "Do that again and this is going to be over before we both know how good it could've been."

"Promises, promises," she teased.

He kissed her hard, his control sorely tested. "Always."

She wound the remaining inches of the cord around their wrists, over their pulse points. "This signifies blood, our magics."

He nodded. "Now watch this."

She did. The two remaining ends, what little remained, fused together.

The cord glimmered and then glowed. An infusion of magic pulsated through her. She was incapable of not bucking against Draco, spurred by the need he'd built by not moving inside her.

"Now, Hermione, we ride."

She rolled them over and, maintaining their connection both with the cord and with their bodies, she straddled him, and leaned forward, their bound hands interlocked tightly, their lips and tongues ardently engaged.

And the term 'consummation' was inadequate to describe the physical sealing of their Bond.

draco/hermione, fic challenge, fanfiction

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