Dear Yulegoat

Oct 08, 2017 19:05

Thank you for writing for me. I love these fandoms so I'm sure I'll love whatever you write. There are a few things I don't like and those are non con, slash and femslash, partner betrayal, and blood/scat paly. I'm a strictly het kind of person but I don't mind explicit.

Outlander -A family Christmas either at Leoch or Lollybroch before Wentworth or in Paris afterward. I don't mind if Ian and Jenny and Young Jamie and Murtagh and Fergus are included. I'm looking for a heart warming holiday story featuring Jamie and Claire before she goes back through the stones. I'd love for whatever other family members to be drawn in but focus and Jamie and Claire. I'd greatly prefer no Black Jack or Frank Randall (though I don't hate either character I just don't want them at Christmas.)

The Americans- It's Christmas and Claudia has a mission for Philip and Elizabeth. Paige must help her parents keep Henry from finding out.
If you write the family please include Henry in some manner. Also, as of 10=8-17, I have yet to see season 5 and I'm not sure the DVDs will be out before the stories so if you set the story in season 5 I'll be a bit lost.

The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond- I have always wanted something more after the end of the movie. Something that has Jimmy and Fisher work it out to end up at least contentedly ever after together. Happily ever after would be preffered but contentedly will do. I've never figured out what was needed but something that has them firmly a couple would be great.I just love me some Jimmy Dobyne an Fisher Willow when they are getting along and Fisher isn't being a spoiled brat. They seem to be the boy and girl next door that went their sepparate ways for awhile but could find their way back to each other and I would love to see that.


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