Original writing

Jan 05, 2016 23:25

I know I've been a bad friend not checking in here at all really for the last year. In the last couple months Nala, our youngest Feline Home Companion has had some serious health issues that had her have to have a feeding tube for a couple weeks and then left the Hubby and I to spend November and December to plead with a reluctant cat to eat. (That is a sight, two Two Hundred something pound humans on the bed trying to coax a seven and a half pound cat to eat. Wet food, kibble, tasty chicken bits, anything but for the love of God, cat eat something!)

Anyway I'm a perverse person and decided that it wasn't a feeding tube but a laser beam. Then I said to myself, why would a cat have a laser beam? Well because she's a spy. Then I began writing some original fiction pieces along that idea.

Tonight I launched a new blog to put the stories up weekly. http://agentsofmeow.blogspot.com/ So here is my crazy brain at work. Cute, cuddly, deadly feline spies. So that is what I've been up to. I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

writing, spy cats

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