Dear Yuletide Writer

Oct 18, 2015 17:15

In general, I'm a het shipper and don't mind explict sex and don't mind violence but graphic descriptions of blood and gore does nothing for me and prefer to avoid too much of it. Adult language is ok but try to keep it to only the really needed instances. Slash and fem slash are on my no read list. I also have a thing against partner betrayal so if the character is married in canon, I don't like the character to cheat on them. Also I dislike inscest weather the characters are related by blood or not. If a character is an adopted family member (legally not the "adopted" relative of close family friends) please treat them as if they were related by blood.

I'm also a sucker for holiday fic this time of year. In general I'm also more a fluff person than angst though angst with a side of fluff works.

Forever - Abe Morgan, Henry Morgan, Abigail Morgan, and Jo Martinez
I love the Morgan family and I love Henry and how he was about to open up to Jo at the end of the season. Henry telling family storues to Jo with or without the help of Abe are always welcome. If you want to do a case fic I'm good with that too and the rest of the cast are welcome to make appeances in the story. Just more Forever is great.

Americans - Philip Jennings, Elizabeth Jennings, Paige Jennings, and Henry Jennings

Here's where I confess, I don't actually have cable so I'm a season behind. I'm still waiting for season 3 DVDs to be released so I can watch it.

I do love the Jennings family dinamics and anything with the Philip and Elizabeth being fabulous parents while being cold blooded spies is great. I also love Philip and Elizabeth trying to navigate their personal feelings within their cover.

Outlander TV- Jamie Fraser, Jenny Fraser, Frank Randall, Claire Beauchamp
I read the first four books 15 years ago and kept up through the 7 book. I've reread the first book recently, but otherwise the details are fuzzy so I prefer the TV canon though if you take spoiler bits from the first four books I won't care.

I loved the friendship that was developing between Jenny and Claire. I love Claire and Jamie and their tempestuous relationship. I like Claire telling Jamie about the future. I would love to see Jamie and Claire discussing Frank. That was the thing I missed from the book in the show - Jamie on their wedding night asking about Frank because he knew Claire had to be thinking about him. A post secret reveal discussion of Frank and his conection to Black Jack would be great. As would a Christmas at Lallybroch (or Leoch since Jamie did say at the camofire before the Grants attacked that it would be Yuletide by the time they got back to the Castle so with fudging Christmas could end up either place.)


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