Yesterday when I said I was back posting, I forgot I'm going to an SCA event so I won't be posting on Saturday.
30 Day Photo Meme - Day 25 - A photo that evokes an emotion.
This photo in and of itself evokes laughter because Amalric (the guy with the embattled coronet) and Ciaran (the guy in yellow) are goofing around. But it also makes me sad because three and a half months after this picture was taken, Ciaran past away. He had been my mentor in Heraldry and the SCA in general. Even now, six years latter, I miss him. Forest Grove, Oregon - May 2008
This one evokes pure joy.
earcmacfithil spent a significant amount of his childhood in the Sierras and enjoyed many years of deep snow. The Willamette Valley doesn't get much snow but when we got tons, he got downright giddy. Newberg, Oregon - December 2008
This is pure exasperation.
earcmacfithil had just gotten home from work and the twelve week old kitten just runs up him and sits on his head. No hello or anything just kitten on the head. Newberg, Oregon - December 2009