Fandom meme

Feb 14, 2012 21:31

Since it's been awhile since I did one of these, I told kaitlia777 I'd play and was tagged with Captain America, Leverage, and Due South.

Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Captain America: The First Avenger (because I don't do the comics. At least not yet.)
1. Well, the font of all fanish things (aka jedibuttercup) made me see Iron Man with her in the theater. Then Iron Man 2. Then Kenneth Brannag directed Thor (I've loved Brannagh since he did Much Ado About Nothing so the idea of him directing a comic book movie based on Norse Mythology wasn't something I'd miss.) So then I had to see Captain America. I liked it but it wasn't untill this year's Yuletide when a Peggy Carter prompt came along that asked for a fic I had sort of considered writing anyway, that I jumped head long into the fandom.
2. I'll probably always have a soft spot for it but I do sort of move fandoms every couple years.
3. I love the movie but I must say one of my favorite moments is durring the Star Spangled Man song when Steve is in the theater watching one of the Captain America movies. (Someday I'll write a fic about his thoughts at that moment.)
4. I write fanfic, either Peggy Carter or Steve Rogers centered (but preferably them together.)
5. I think there are plenty of people in the fandom but there is always room for more.

1. jedibuttercup got me watching Buffy and Angel so I liked Christian Kane from that. Then when I heard that they were filming in Portland, Or (the nearest major city to me) and I actually stumbled on the filming, I had to watch.
2. As long as they film in Portland, I will probably stick around.
3. My favorite episode is "The Two Horse Job". Eliot is the reason I watch and to see some of his backstory was great. Plus I love Jamie Ray Newman so to have her as the guest star/ love interest was great. And they play may favorite Kane song "More Than I Deserve" durring the episode.
4. I write fanfic sometimes. I've made a few icons. I went to ConCon and FanCon 1. I might get to some of FanCon2 this year but am unsure.
5. There needs to be more people who have the power to give the show the awards it deserves in the fandom. There have been a couple episodes where I went "So when does the Emmy campaign for ______ start."

Due South
1. This one I drug jedibuttercup into. I watched the show with my parents in high school.
2. I will probably always be on the edges of the fandom (like I am now) since I don't do slash and that is what everyone is into. But I love Constable Benton Fraser and probably always will.
3. My favorite episode is "All the Queen's Horses". I love the way the Mounhties get knocked out while singing and pick up right where they left off when they wake up. And Fraser finally kissing Inspector Thatcher while on top of the train makes me AWWWWW.
4. I've made a few icons but that's it.
5. Yes, more people need to show love to the Mountie. (And write the Thatcher/Fraser fics)

due south, leverage, cap'n, meme

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