The Question Meme stolen from
izhilzhaComment with "Come at me, bro!" Um, or whatever you feel like saying.
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
izhilzha asked:
1. Where'd you get that icon?
(it the icon at the top of this entry) I made it from a screencap that either I did or I found somewhere. I don't remember which right now.
2. What is your top fandom right now?
Right now it is Leverage (season four premires Sunday June 26 on TNT). I'm still riding the FanCon high, season 3 just came out on DVD a little over a week ago, and season 4 premires in a little over a week. It's a good time to be a Grifter. Mmm . . . Eliot in an apron . . . . I'm just saying. . .
3. What event are you most looking forward to in the next six months?
I'm not sure.
For an SCA event right now it is An Tir/ West War July 4th weekend in Gold Beach, OR (1500 or so peopel from all over the Western US and Canada camping for four- five days and hopefully buying pottery from us and not the other potters [as cools as the others are and we do usually get our share of sales]).
For something different PDX GEAR Con. It will be my first Steampunk con. I'm not sure how but I will have a few Victorian Hats for sale. (I'll post pictures of a bunch latter.) I have some new bustle skirts and bodices I'm working on and can't wait to wear.
For family things, I love Christmas. Not so much for getting pressents (though I do love that) but because of the traditions and I like giving gifts too.
4. What is your favorite flower?
I'm a rose girl though Antheriums and Bird of Paradise come awfully close to tying with the roses. Roses are usually in bloom on my birthday and Mom picks as many as years I am old to put in a vase as a centerpiece for my family birthday party.This year for the first time since my sixgteenth birthday (when Mom started the tradition) roses weren't in bloom on May 29 so no roses on the table. But Nate had gotten me a dozen a few days before and we took them with us to the SCA event we were at for my birthday so I did still have some birthday roses.=)
5. What do you most wish someone would walk up and say to you today?
I don't know. I'm not entirely sure I'll get outr of the house though we do have to do a grocery run for the weekend. So the only person to say it would be Nate (or one of the four cats if they lern to talk.)Probably that I'm appreciated.