
Dec 22, 2008 06:01

It's been snowing here for over a week. We have a lot more than I have ever seen around here. In all my 30 years living in the greater Portland area, I don't think I remember snow totals of over a foot. 6-8 inches sure but not a foot.
These pictures were taken Saturday. It has added some freezing rain and now more snow since then. Needless to say I haven't been out to the post office so my Christmas Cards will arrive around the true twevelth day of Christmas. (It starts December 25 and goes twevle days until Epiphany on January 6 when the Wise Men suppossedly came.)

my crazy husband, earcmacfithil, grew up in the High Seirras so he loves the stuff.


The Kiln covered in snow and mugs.

our house saturday evening.

It isn't the kind of snow that makes good snowballs or snowmen so we just have to look at it. And there is more on the way, so we'll have a white Christmas. They are even predicting some to fall durring the night between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The crazy husband is so crazy that, though he hates being up in the early morning hours, he will check to see when snow is supposed to fall and if it does that night, I'm to wake him up so he can look out the window before rolling over and going back to sleep.

earc, life

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