Who horks doors?

Apr 20, 2008 21:20

Seriously! earcmacfithil and I have had one of two doors in our studio space horked, snurched, borrowed without permission, snatched, pilfered, stolen, door napped, pillaged, plundered, and removed from it's hinges. This isn't as serious as it sounds, our studio is basically an inner office inside another office. the outter door remains (with it's locks) but we have a funny little corner with two doors that are at right angles to eachother (our studio might have been two closets at one time.) The door was there thursday night when we took stuff out for the weekend class earcmacfithil was teaching in Loon Lake. When we took stuff back tonight the door was gone. No note. No message on our answering machine. No email. Also some stuff was behind the door was moved to the space where the stuff we took was suppossed to go. I don't mind them doing stuff to the door but I do mind not being notiffied ahead of time and I don't like them moving my stuff. If they are doing work in my space I want to be able to get my breakable greenware out of the way and cover up the clay to recycle bags so no plaster gets into them since that could be bad latter.

wtf, pottery, studio

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