I need a little help from my F-List

Apr 08, 2008 10:34

Now that the Van Con is over it is time to get sefrious about my Script Frenzy scripts. I have decieded to do a Bones episode called, "The Fangirl at the Con". So now I need to invent a Fandom for which there is a Con.

I have called the show "Vampires Anonymous" and it ran for nine episodes before being cancelled on released on DVD. I woiuld like to mix elements of Angel the Series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and bonous points for any Stargate elements. This is where you guys come in pitch out your ideas. I won't garuntee I use any of them but it might spark ideas for me. (And since this is the 8th of April I should be on page 24-32 of my scripts. I'm not even a quarter the way down page one so I really need to catch up.)

writing, script frenzy, script

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