Hi, I'm Maeve and I have no life.

Apr 03, 2008 02:28

I proved at the Fan Party that I am truely pathetic and have way too much time on my hands. I won the Stargate Jeopardy game. Not only did I win with 4100 points but my fellow contestant did 1600 and 1000 points so I guess I just um used the zat three times on them. I actually felt bad and considered not asking the questions I knew. The Lovely Ryan Robbins was MC'ing and told me I knew way too much stuff. Then when I raised my hand as a Con Virgin he looked right at me and said, "Some of you are lying aren't you?" I said no. I'm not sure he believed me.

Me and Ryan Robbins.

I shall do a proper post with the pictures of the food from FUEL and the people there latter. For now I'm having a blast. I've met many people from Live Journal and GateWorld and have to say that everyone is just as nice as can be.=)

vacation, vancon, life

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