Day 362: Biggest Lie

Nov 21, 2012 12:24

... I don't know. I tell social lies. Big lies? Given that the meme-originator is in high school (or was)... were there any Big Lies back then, for me? I had a lot of lies of omission, where one parent assumed I was sleeping at the other's house, when I wasn't. Ah, divorce. I had a lot of ... I don't know what you would call them -- action lies, e.g. forging my father's signature on sick notes. I got very good at his signature, enough so that I could easily have cashed checks, not that it occurred to me to do so. I didn't cheat at things, so no lying there. There wasn't much discipline -- I think I was punished exactly twice, both times by grounding, and both times I ignored my mother's diktat, and she couldn't do anything about it, as she was at work, probably working her 9 PM shift, since I clearly recall leaving the house and taking the El to Old Town in Chicago, to see a folk concert I was very keen about. In biggish crises, like my many, many fender benders, I never lied about being at fault. I dunno. I don't think I can identify one Big Lie. Maybe my sister could, on my behalf.


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