Apr 13, 2010 21:13
While Luke and I are visiting in Seattle this weekend, where should we go? We'll be at Spring Thaw events, but we'll also have some free time. We'll mostly be in the Downtown, Uptown and Cap Hill areas. I'd like to visit book stores, gaming stores and cafes, given their lack in Atlanta.
In Cap Hill, I plan on stopping by Half-Price Books and Gamma Ray Games.
Uptown, we're planning on the SciFi Museum (I've never been, but Luke has), and Downtown maybe Golden Age. Luke mentioned Gameworks, which hopefully is still Downtown.
Is Elliott Bay Books still around in Pioneer Square? The web seems confused on that issue.
UPDATE: The Pioneer Square location has been closed, but they plan to open at 1521 10th Avenue on 4/15, so fingers crossed!
Unfortunately, I don't think we'll have time for the U District, but I have fond memories of walking up and down the Ave visiting the used bookstores.