Dec 16, 2007 02:07
Age: 22
Height: 180cm (approximately 5'9")
Weight: 55kg
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Blood Type: B
Medical info: Nothing out of the ordinary.
Physical traits: Completely normal human
What's Okay to Mention Around Him: I'd avoid fourth wall issues but anything else is great. His angst buttons are hilarious and nobody takes them seriously.
Notes for the Psychics: There isn't too much of a dissonance in what he thinks and what he says by normal standards, even if Chiaki has the ability of tact.
Abilities: Chiaki can play piano and violin at a professional level. His ears are also amazingly good for picking up music types. And he can speak English, German and some Italian from what I've seen. Possibly French too!
Can I shape shift/bodyswap?: ...sure?
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: Chiaki has comedic love-fu. Which means if you hug or kiss him he's likely to smack you as much as he's likely to just sigh and take it, depending on what's funnier.
Maim/Murder/Death: No touchy the grumpy conductor.
Cooking: He is an excellent cook! And is easily coerced into making food for people, but mostly Nodame.