What are Yeti's afraid of? CONSULTANTS UPON CONSULTANTS!!!!

Nov 24, 2007 06:07

So as I observe this Great and Just nation's entire multi billion pound ID card scheme collapsing in a tattered wreckage that'd make a 9/11 denier jealous I find myself contemplating suic- as to what the Hell Assnut Blair was thinking in the first place? What should have been a feasability study into the effectiveness of a unified identity tracking system finally, after billions spent on this quacking mongoose, proved its ultimate achilles heel when two cds containing private data on twenty-five million British citizens went missing in the post...

"Jesus Christ I will KILL that post man" Brown was quoted as saying. Alistair Darling made no comment, knowing that whatever he said could and would be used against him in a tribal kuriltai - basically whoever shows up is tacitly voting to cast him into the Onon River.
 But not to be discouraged at a later date - read four weeks after the fucking things dissappeared into some Islamo-Fascist unseemly undefined stereotype's hands - our man Mr Darling did, nevertheless, prove that No. 10 is inept, useless, and that the proletarians shall arise in honour and leaguer very soon. We can only fucking hope.

Knecht 4.


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