i should be getting ready for school, but i'm going to post here first

Feb 28, 2012 11:01

I like the feeling of being busy. Not the kind of busy where people are making you rush from place to place, but when your mind if actively occupied by current thoughts and feelings. No old stuff to slow you down, unless it's to build on something new, and no old emotions that you have to get passed. I've been trying to get involved with things that I enjoy doing, and even though it's hard sometimes, or I make stupid decisions, I'm still going to try and have fun.

If only I could break from thinking too much, then I would get more things done. And once I got more things done, I could have time to do other fun stuff, and then it would be a never ending cycle of fun.

I also need to learn time and money management, because I'm sucky at both of those.

Then the ever-looming understanding of 'You have to do things even if you don't want to do them' comes in and as much bullshit as that is, I can still respect it. Ish. I mean, I'll get to it once someone gives me a good reason as to why I have to do it. Telling me to go for it because 'it looks like it's in my best interests' is the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I'm going to do it less- especially if you bring it up again.

& off-topic, whathefuck, Livejournal? I'm on a basic PC keyboard. Why are you redirecting my cursor every other line?

On-topic: I guess I'm trying to show my excitement for things I'm about to do- if I do them. I really only do things in bursts, so if I do them enough, I'd love for them to be routine. I'd also love to get another job but someone is being a pissy panda and won't let me. It's not like I'm craving or truly wanting these things to happen, but it would be cool if they did. Or maybe I do want them to happen, but they won't because I'm too busy thinking to act.


life check

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