how to accurate charas

Nov 07, 2010 13:06

I think that some people in the growing MH fandom who are creating characters for roleplay purposes or what have you don't really understand what they're doing while creating characters. I'm not trying to bash anyone but:

These characters are based off MONSTERS. Monsters are not typically the most friendly of mythological creatures.
Most are not Gods/Goddesses (Don't get me wrong, I know there are evil Gods/Goddesses but I wouldn't consider them monsters. Personally I was thinking of making a character that would be the child of Eris but then I thought 'There aren't any students whose parents are Gods, are there? I mean, just because she's the Goddess of Chaos/Strife/Discord doesn't make her a monster.')
**Okay, going to feel bad for saying this but, if the monster parent is a Hydra then the kid better not have features like Asura (Multi-faces =/= multi-heads). It's consistent, yes, but it overlaps waay too much.
And make sure that the parent is an actual living thing .___. Again, I'll feel bad for saying this but Nature/The Earth does not count because all life comes from it. Saying your character is of Earth does not really mean a thing. There are monsters that are Earth-related like trolls, golems, ogres (I think, please correct me @_@) ... You're not limited. PICK ONE.

I mean, hell, use a pixie. Not legit monsters, sure, but they're annoying little buggers D:

Aliens? Personally no. One planet's definition of a monster is not the same for anothers.

ffffffffffffffff--- LOOK UP CRYPTIDS OR FIND A BOOK OF MONSTERS. Or be creative in your reasonings for their monster parent. Someone used a clown, makes sense - Some clowns are friggin' terrifying (Have you seen It? Yeah, case closed.)

tl;dr - Monster High Fan Characters should be based off of monsters, or a 'monstrous' parent with good reasoning. Researching is a glorious thing.
btw, dibs on Greek Sphinx. suckers.

Now excuse me while I look up information on the Bogman (Boogeyman but more creepy (Thanks Martin Mysteries ;-; )) and try not to send people notes on how inaccurate their character is.


monster high, rant

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