May 15, 2006 11:30
From the desk of F. Jason K
So, after coming home for summer, realizing tht I left my suitcase at school, going to school, and coming back, I receive the following email-
"Hey Cockfuck and Dipshit,
I need to just tell you two thanks for fucking my day over. Not only did I
JUST get back into Cleveland because of your sloth and disrespect, but I
also missed a dinner with the family. You left me with dirty towels,
unwanted clothes, empty bottles, unvacuumed floors, shit in the fridge, shit
in the freezer, shit in the cabinets, unbunked beds, sliding doors off the
hinges, tampons, garbage, and just random shit that you were supposed to
take care of. Instead, I spent 4 hours doing it. Instead of spending MY
break with my family, my Natalie, my friends... like you two motherfuckers
are now... Natalie and I had to clean up YOUR mess. There is absolutely no
fucking excuse for this. Jake, Mr. "Mature, going to be a lawyer" fuckup,
your food - your clothes - your MESS - EVERYWHERE. You are fucking 20 years
old and you made your mother do most of your packing and driving with you.
Who are you? What are you? Not a mature, well-adjusted person, that is for
damn sure. You are lazy and so caught up in either getting off or making
yourself sound smart that you fail at both. Jon. Jon, you do nothing. You
spend so much time watching video-game trailers and obsessing about a
Nintendo Wii or DS or PSP or whatever you do... why not pick up a broom or a
vacuum? I never saw you take out the trash, which was mostly your rambler
leftovers (dripping barbecue sauce out of the bag and all), you never
cleaned the bathroom, and when was the last time you did the dishes without
being asked 5 times and letting them sit until the stuck-on food rotted and
reeked to high-heaven. Jesus you two. What's wrong with the both of you?
Life doesn't hand you shit... I did this so I wouldn't get too many fines
for your worthlessness.
Guess what, we're still getting fined. I can't put those doors in myself.
Assholes... you cost me money, time, and the pleasure of the first day of my
vacation. I have no words for how utterly disgusted and pissed off I am at
you two.
Grow the fuck up.
P.s. Do yourselves a favor and don't reply to this email. I was holding back
in this email. If you write back, I might get really fucking nasty."
A couple of thoughts arise- I do the dishes and the trash, maybe if he slept more than 2 nights a week in his own bed, he would realize that. ALSO, I cannot speak for Jake, but I feel that given the time I had and the fact that my dad called and sais that i was going home THAT NIGHT instead of the next morning.. I think I packed up pretty well. And of course he doesn't see me do anything- when he IS home, I've either just gotten out of bed or its 2AM... So, in my defense, what the hell. Also, if he had some kind of problem, he could've idk... MENTIONED something beforehand, instead of now when Jake and I are hundreds of miles apart from him and there si obviously nothing to be done. we were ALL there on friday morning.
[Maturity] Can I have it?
***note- this entry was recently edited for spilling the whole name of the author of this e-mail, apparently that's against livejournal's privacy policy. If you know me, I'm sure you all know who wrote it.