Mar 04, 2004 13:37
Reason #1. I just finished eating McDonalds for lunch. I also ate McDonalds for lunch yesterday (quarter pounder baby). My justification, today I got McNuggets so it's not as bad. Yeah right, like deep fried chicken is soooooo healthy!!
Reason #2. I just went out over my lunch break to run errands. One of them was to pick up this new shampoo and conditioner line I saw a commercial for. It's called Brilliant Brunette. I just had to have it because it's geared towords brunettes, and I loved the girls hair in the commercial for it. Like my hair will really look like that if I use....I know this yet still I bought it! This is also the reason I got the above mentioned McDonalds...because of the errands. I am an advertising executives dream.