As many of you know already, I was assaulted about a week and ahalf ago during a robbery of Dagwoods Nun's island. I've talked about it with some people, but other keep asking about it. So I figured I'd just write a damn post about it and clear up all the rumours, now that it's far enough in the past to make me go all nutso just talking about it.
Yes, I was beaten up. My face and body has mostly healed up at this point, luckily it was only some swelling and nasty bruises. He didn't have a weapon- I was lucky in a way. But since he didn't have a weapon, he resorted to roughing me up pretty badly so I guess that was not so lucky.
So I was closing the store on Thursday night. I'm going about my business, almost done when I hear a knocking on the back door. (Now this in itself is not uncommon. Sometimes Mel visits me when I'm closing the store, and other times it's the District Managers, so I didn't think) So, I opened the door. As I did, a Man rushed at me and threw me to the ground. I happened to fall on Mel's bike that was there, so I couldn't really get up. He pulled me to my feet grabing me by the hair, and pulled the bike out of the way.
Now, at this point I was trying to get some footing, but I couldn't. Between my shaking, and him dragging me around, I ended up on the floor again. I remember kicking him once of twice, which is why he made sure to stay behind me the rest of time. Maybe that explains why he was so violent with me. Anyways, then he then dragged me by the hair over to the Cash. I remember him saying things like 'where's the money' but nothing terribly specific. I had already put the cash in the safe, and that pissed him off. He smashed my head against the floor a few times while sitting on me. He asked for the keys, and I told him I didn't have them (I'm still not sure why I said that, I wasn't really thinking at the time) so he hit me a few more times, then started rooting through my pants. He took the money I had on me, and started throwing things around the cash looking for the keys (while things fell on my, mostly.)
At this point, the panic turned off. I stopped worrying about him raping me, or beating the crap out of me. I just didn't seem to care, and focus storta came back. I guess it's when I realized he didn't have a gun or anything, that the fear went away. That's when I started talking to him. I don't remember exactly what I said but it was something along the lines of 'You heared the beeping when you came in, I was leaving, I had already set the alarm, they're comming...'
Even though I'm not sure what I said, it managed to scare him off right away. Then I got up, called the cops. That when everything hit me- I started sobbing and I don't think I stopped until I got home a few hours later. Pat came to the store... he showed up about 5 minutes after the cops did.
So yeah, those are the gory details. My piercings are probably going to have to come out, since they've been bleeding since the assault, but nothing was broken- I wasn't even concussed! I took a sexy, sexy picture of my black and blue face. It was a kodak moment.
But yes, I am okay. Not totally, 100% okay, but I am going to counseling sessions, and I will be fine. It was scary, and no, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Pat's been amazing with helping me though all this- and so have my friends.