Day's End...

May 01, 2006 22:53

Well it's about 11pm now so I guess you could say this day is behind me now. Today was the day from HELL at work. We rolled out a new POS system this morning and let me tell was far-far from a "Seamless Transition." Background...I put photographic rentals together for photographers all damn day. I'm kinda like a short order cook at the "Awful Waffle....order up!" Well I'd finish an order but couldn't complete it because half if not most of the stuff hadn't been entered into the system yet. My general manager was pretty much the only one in the store who knew how to operate the system. He was being pulled right and left. It wasn't set up to take credit cards...endorse checks...edit a transaction, etc. It was a cluster-fuck! Photographers were waiting 30 minutes for something the equivalent to a bowl of pre-made grits. Anyway, to add to my day I have a head cold....bleh. Everything tastes the same to me. My snot tastes like my ciggy's, my ciggy's taste like my lunch, my lunch tastes like shit, and my shit....ahhhhh got ya! You get the picture...overall bad day at the work place. Now, I'm just sitting here in the living room drinking a well deserved beer. I came home from work and went straight outside and cut the grass. Afterwards, I came naked and took a "HOT" shower, yup...the gas has been turned back on. Amy just got back home from a Wal-Mart run. We're having a late dinner together. She made chicken and dumplings in the crock pot....yum.
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