"I'm not worthy....I'm not worthy...!"

Dec 17, 2006 13:53

Well I received a "nudge" from my dear friend,"Melodie" so I guess I'll update today. Well to start things off the boys have been a bit under the weather over the past few days. Nicholas has a sinus infection and Noah has some kinda "viral" thing going on. Their both doing better but it's been a rough couple of days. I shot a bridal portrait last Sunday and am still trying to dig through it's edit. I should be able to finish it up tonight...I need to finish it at least! Anyhoot, last night Trey and Melodie hosted their annual "Peking Duck Christmas Dinner" at the Golden Buddha up in Douglasville. It took an act of God for me to make it but somehow I did...an hour late but who's counting right? Well I show up and do the basic meet&greet with everyone and take my seat. Some people I knew some I didn't but I knew that I was in good company. We had a table all to ourselves off to the side kinda in the back. We ordered drinks while we waited on the two Ducks to arrive and pretty much just chatted about Sci-Fi stuff. Now I'm a Sci-Fi nerd but I paled in compairson to many of the guests. Now this concerned me just a little simply because I knew we'd be having a "Transformers" trivia contest following dinner. Normally I wouldn't sweat it but....well, you really had to be there. Well the Ducks arrived and we chowed down with "Duck" burrito's, fried rice, noodles and beer. I never had duck before so I guess "Peking" being my 1st I was in for a treat...it was delicious! After dinner we sat and chatted lightly and had some laughs. After coming back in from having a smoke Melodie decided to get the trivia game underway. It's moments like this I realize just how much of a geek I really am. Fuck, my adrenaline was through the roof in anticipation. There were two rounds complete with Super Mega Bonus questions. Melodie did a really good job researching the movie. Anyway, the game began and I was falling short very quickly. Damn, I was actually in last place 2 or 3 questions into the first round! I quickly redeemed myself by the end of the round by taking 1st place...whew. Now the 2nd round begins and my confidence is a bit higher now allowing me to get a few really tough questions right. After about 20min's we wrapped up the game and tallied up the points...least to most. There were 5 of us participating in the game and I believe the score at the end was, 1pt..3..5..19 and finally "Trey" winning it all with 21! I came in 2nd...sigh, lol! I honestly can't believe I lost...really. Having said that the only thing I truly lost was a really cool "Megatron" action figure and bragging rights. If I had to come in a close 2nd behind anyone I'm glad it was Trey. After all was said and done we said our goodbye's and were off. I followed Trey and Melodie back to their place where Melodie and I proceeded to steal icons for our LJ. Trey and I looked at some "Transformer" episodes he downloaded and then he turned in for the night. Melodie and I stayed up and killed a 12 pack just chattin' about some of life's many curve balls. Finally around 4am Melodie and I decided to call it a night and we were off to bed. I set my cell phone to wake me up and I was out and on my way back home around 7:30 this morning. Well that's it...Great food, great company, great trivia, Great night!
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