I haven't been back here in ages. Honestly, I forgot the password. But I read something today that actually made me irate enough to start digging through old files and screw up enough to remember my LiveJournal password.
http://users.livejournal.com/_allecto_/34718.html Absolutely ridiculous. And a prime example of why I so greatly dislike anyone who latches onto a belief system with literally everything they have. Is it so wrong to hope that people who have opinions that differ from your own (and society's own) are willing to listen to the voices of others?
Maybe I'm the unmoving one here. She has her opinion; I have mine. Yet I think she is overly extremist and does not have a valid or solid view of the world. An instance of "Believe what you want, but keep that shit to yourself."
Regardless, I'm not backing down. I find her casual use of the word "rape" to be terribly offensive. Her logics are flawed and lacking terribly. (Making assumptions on the writer and spouse based on the creative works? That's genius. I bet Stephen King and his wife live in a Lovecraftian sub-dimension when they enter their house. And God help fantasy writers--they must be raving lunatics who only come into lucidity for the short time they're writing books.) In her rant, she openly makes broad generalizations based on her limited anecdotal evidence.
This is why the internet blows so hard. It gives people like this a place to pretend their voice is wanted.
The list of other problems with her diatribe is virtually endless. I see this kind of intellectual laziness with 'radicals' of all sorts but the radical atheists, radical feminists, radical racists all share some key traits. They believe they possess the only correct view of the world and they are willing to make absurd accusations to 'prove' their point and defend them in intellectually dishonest ways. That is exactly the case with this little ditty that was posted.
As further proof of her disgust for Joss, she delves into the 'Commentaries' and talks about what the actors said and uses the actors words/actions to further impale Joss on a pike by guilt through association. We don't know what is in the hearts of most of these actors, what they really feel about certain issues. But what we know is that some of them have been very active in various worthwhile charities, and Joss is also involved in charity fundraising. So we can look at the overall person, the overall people and get a snapshot of who they are, but we will never actually know them (unless we live with them for 40 years and walk them up to the edge of the volcano). Still she condemns everyone who has a penis, everyone who is friendly with a person of another race, and that to me shows that she is a racist/sexist who starts by judging people on appearance and then tears them apart as she sees fit.
Hardly tolerant. Hardly compassionate. Hardly utopian.
Edit: Through diligent looking I found a response that made me want to cheer and not to cry!
http://molly-commas.livejournal.com/45170.htmlThough maybe I'm just trying to stick up for a show I like a lot.