A few notable things of late:
- Corteo was awesome, beautiful, and inspiring, even though I couldn't help noticing that the girls were much more show and (generally) less talent than the fellows. On that note, my first Chinese Acrobat class is Wednesday. *grin*
- It's so nice to be with people!
- It's so nice to be with people.
- Telephone pictionary is a great group activity. I wish I could spend more of my time playing games with friends. Hey, you! Come visit me! While you are here, play games!
- Avenue Q was also fantastic, but if you plan to see the show I don't recommend listening to the soundtrack first-things are just so much funnier the first time around. Also, it was interesting that some of the actors were really good at making you pay attention to the puppets instead of them while others tended to steal the limelight / upstage their puppets a bit. I would have thought that the Puppet Captain (if not the director) would have made that a little more uniform.
- "Puppet Captain." How cool is that?
- Arcades, roller coasters, and indoor skydiving are all excellent uses of time and money. Playing in toy stores is pretty good, too. Vegas, however, can be pretty dirty, smelly, and generally disgusting. Why on earth would anyone smoke inside? (Let alone thousands and thousands of folks, all together.) Yay for three showers today.
- Yay for a five mile run today! (And therefore shower number two, of course) (post-script: s/run/jog/)
- I had an opportunity to patch up zudini's owie in Vegas. More places should leave totally unattended First Aid kits around. Useful stuff, that is.
- Fighting with your partner is not much fun, but there's something spectacular about making up afterward.
- Is there anything as nice as that one really good night's sleep after four nights of strange beds and broken-up nights? Mmmm! Delicious!
Have I forgotten anything?