And then, when I was feeling a bit sad about Supernatural, the BBC released an actual six-minute Eighth Doctor mini-episode. Eight is my favourite. Not because of the TV movie, that was awful. Because of the excellent Big Finish audio plays. And so, imagine my glee when the Doctor called out to Charley and C'rizz, my favourite sidekicks from said plays. Which means they've decided that the whole Neverland/Zagreus debacle really happened in their canon.
... Damn it, it's too late to go listen to The Chimes of Midnight now.
Eight. I mean, something, something, John Hurt, we may have ruined our numbering system for all time, but - Eight. I wouldn't travel with every Doctor, given the chance. I mean, Six is kind of shouty. And Four and Seven, while fun to watch, frankly scare the shit out of me. But Eight wouldn't have to ask twice. Although he probably would anyway, because his memory is Swiss cheese.
Um. I may be a tad giddy.