My Top 5 Squickiest Fringe Moments

Feb 11, 2010 20:50

Fringe episodes usually start with the victim of the week going about their business and possibly talking with loved ones in order to pull at our heartstrings. Some victims end up better than others do. This picspam is not about those victims. This one is about those who ended up in ways that had me pausing the episode and shuddering in my seat.
So without further ado, my most squickiest Fringe moments. With slightly cracky commentary. :)

So this guy seemed like he was already done for. But I just didn't know how. And he's goes to this guy's house and I'm like this guy is not to be trusted. So there he is complaining about stomach pains and then there is stuff moving under his skin and then OMGWTF!!!! THERE IS SOME THING- SOME ALIEN/PREDATOR LOOKING THING COMING OUT OF HIS MOUTH. And he's dead.

This is one of those tugging on the heartstrings openings. All the guy wants to do is have a surprise romantic evening with his wife and he ends up dead. Turned into a human ash statue. And then his wife touches him and he starts to CRUMBLE. I don't know what the heck it was about it but the first time I saw this it freaked me out something fierce. Like I had to go and occupy myself with something else until I calmed down enough to finish the episode.

Oh, Fringe. Only the first episode and you're already disturbing people. The first episode and I wasn't sure what to expect but I was on my guard and then you know it's all PEOPLE ARE DISSOLVING OR WHATEVER THE HECK AND THE PILOT'S FREAKING JAW COMES OFF AND I'M TORN BETWEEN THIS SHOW IS AWESOME AND THIS SHOW IS HIGH OCTANE NIGHTMARE FUEL.

This throws some paranoia into the mix with the squick. There is a chemical placed on money, FREAKING $2 BILLS that causes your orifices to seal shut. ALL OF 'EM. And not even an emergency tracheotomy will save you. THE TISSUE JUST GROWS RIGHT OVER IT. D: YOU SUFFOCATE AND LOOK ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING DOING SO.

All this guy wants to do is have late night at work with his secret coffee stash and stuff. But then there's this mini quake and all of a sudden HE HAS MUCH MORE BODY PARTS THAN HE WOKE UP WITH and there's a beam in his shoulder BUT OMG THERE ARE LIKE LEGS AND ARMS STICKING OUT OF ODD PLACES AND A HEAD IN HIS CHEST AND WHAT IN THE OMG. AND HE'S NOT THE ONLY ONE. AND THIS IS WHY IF I WERE EVER A MUTANT I WOULDN'T WANT ANY PHASING POWERS. I WOULD BE SCARED TO DEATH OF THIS HAPPENING.

Fellow Fringe watchers? What are your top squickiest moments?
And if you're not a fellow Fringe watcher, you need to be. Because as you can see you're missing out.

Caps from here.
Done for picspammy Challenge 17 - Fives

picspam, fringe

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