Jun 08, 2005 16:46
I'm finally updating. I haven't been able to lately because, as always, I've been super busy. When I say super busy, I mean time to eat, sleep and work two jobs. I now have a little bit of time, so I'm updatin'.
Uh.. All in all, things are amazing. My money flow is about to officially begin, the first big purchase I'll be making is an amazing cell phone -- that'll be next Wedensday. I'll post the number once I get it so... ADD ME! I'm really very excited about finally being connected... Every last one of my friends have a cell phone, I NEED ONE. I'm sure a few of my friends will now be very appreciative because I won't be using their phone to make calls and no more will they be recieving calls on their phone asking for me. Anyway... 'nough 'bout the friggin' phone.
I'm going to a huge family reunion in Mississippi this weekend. Sorry, can't do anything at all the entire weekend. But... I'll be 'round the next weekend and I want to plan to do something fun... Maybe camping or SOMETHING. Someone get ahold of me, I really do want to go mountain biking or caving or hiking or fishing or... all of that plus more -- I just need to start making some plans!
Long story short, the summer's picking up financially and everything else is great, as usual.
Oh yeah, the last thing that I would say is truly notable is this: Last night my boss at Occasions, while we were going over events for the rest of this month, recieved a last-minute phone call from an event organizer requesting a photographer. She said she'd see what she could do on such short notice. She hung up and asked if I could make it to the place at 5:30. I said I could, I went home, got ready, went by Joel's house(Anna straightened my hair
A few minutes ago, a couple of fire-engines and police cars blazed by my house at well over 70 miles per hour. My mother and I watched where they were headed -- They seemed to stop right in front of Marvin Pagan's house ( A family friend who lives down the road ). I rode down there on my bike to investigate and luckily it wasn't Marvin's house, it was the abandoned house next to it. I took a couple of photos, hopefully the Trumann Democrat can use them ( for a price ). It was CLEARLY arson. When I got there, just moments after the fire trucks, the fire fighters were stopping fighting the fire, only keeping an eye on it so that it didn't spread because the entire structure was already crumbling. The house and it's shed in the back-yard were a roiling ball of flames... There was no way the house could reach that condition in the few minutes it had been since it was reported unless someone intended to burn it to the ground -- which by now, they've succeeded. So... anyway, as I was saying.
End of OH SHIT!
Joel's house (Anna straightened my hair for me! YAY!) and then went to the event. It was pretty standard, I just took photos, hobknobbed with the big wigs for information etc. Toward the end of it though, the eventees were... well giving me their full attention and being very cooperative on posed shots etc. As I was getting ready to leave, the president of the club (BPW, which stands for Business and Professional Women) came up to me with a few associates and said "We want to compliment you on your great job and thoroughness here this evening -- we're so glad you could make it out here on such short notice." I thanked them and then they said "Oh, we mean not only to compliment you, but to call your boss and brag about your service tonight." I thanked them again and was stunned. After a few more minutes , it was time for me to leave. Today, when I walked into the Occasions office, Mrs. Watkins was beaming and informed me that the ladies had made good on their promise and that they said VERY good things about me. Mrs. Watkins thanked me for doing so well and expressed how happy she was for me to help out Occasion's reputation so much... That's probably the best I've felt in a long, long time.
Anyway... I'll end now.
As my brother says "The only things I need now are a 5" 7' blonde and a million dollars."
Eric Stewart