OMFG an update. Yes.

Mar 22, 2005 16:22

Hey guys, everyone should check out this article: more... )

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0pt March 22 2005, 19:02:59 UTC
Of course, as a parent, it is my job to pull the plug on the computer. It's something I do every day. But no matter what I do, my son and his friends would sooner play a computer game than pick up a book or study. So, Mr. Gates, instead of offering patently obvious solutions to our educational system, how about encouraging our kids to shut off the computer when they're supposed to be doing their homework? It might cost you \u2014 but I think you can afford it. I'm afraid our society can't afford the price our kids are paying for this new lifestyle.

The nag is right in a way: that many kids do, in-fact, slack off when it comes to homework, and computers do add fuel to the fire as well. However! So does TV, and anything else electronic or distracting! in that matter. As a matter of fact, I remember having neither and I still didn't do homework. The bitch is completely wrong in addressing the issue and her "simplistic" view on the "BROAD" spectrum of technology OR her 'MICROSOFT world domination' pun does really convince me otherwise. I mean we might as well blame all of our computer related problems on Microsoft. They run everything right? Too bad she reports for the L.A Times -- that's almost as bad as the NY times.


maelstromwes March 22 2005, 19:21:51 UTC
We should drill holes all along the border of California spaced ten feet or so apart and about three feet deep each. Fill these holes with nitroglycerin while treading softly. Wire these holes together, set it all off, and watch the freakshow state float away. We can just pretend we don't know what that new landmass shaped like California floating in the middle of the Pacific is.


0pt March 22 2005, 20:19:15 UTC
Why not juggle 3 babies naked on a tight-rope connected between 2 skyscrapers after snorting a line of cocaine as well? Who cares about people that bitch and moan to only make our lives worse? At least they can't call the cops like my (former) neighbor, fucking old miserable bitch.. Every day, I pray that she falls into a woodchipper.


maelstromwes March 22 2005, 20:31:50 UTC
How does one fall into a woodchipper, anyway? Ryan, it's your job to invent a scenario.


thetainedone March 22 2005, 20:09:01 UTC
People just like to find things to bitch about, First it was Harry Potter, Violent video games, Violent TV, Computers, Internet, Christains even bitch about Christanity. It's like a cry for attention, They say they want to make a difference, What they want to do is have done what they want done no matter what the price seems to be. I give it 3 weeks before another bitchy parent that doesn't know how to work a sattelite dish start complaining about Microsoft.
Crappy parents that don't know how to dicipline their children will always find something to complain about. The parents need to see their kid's grades, not bitch about internet time


maelstromwes March 22 2005, 20:13:48 UTC

Look familiar? Check out the bit about "Mothers Against Maddox" near the bottom.


thetainedone March 22 2005, 20:20:51 UTC
I remember reading this a while back
The "Mothers Against Maddox" Would probably change to
"Mothers Agaist Anything-Your-Child-Would-Seem-To-Do"


maelstromwes March 22 2005, 20:20:37 UTC
Yup, a bunch of bored old women with immaculate homes just looking for something to complain about. Imagine for a second living as a kid in a house that is perpetually spotless, where touching something and leaving a fingerprint, or, god forbid, a dead skin cell, would get you severely punished. This is the type of people I see writing such articles.

To (almost) quote Ferris Bueller:

"If you stuck a lump of coal up [their] collective asses, in two weeks you'd have a diamond."


thetainedone March 22 2005, 20:24:40 UTC
"If you stuck a lump of coal up [their] collective asses, in two weeks you'd have a diamond."

That is some of the parents that I know. They would get at the kid if they "didn't make their bed the right way" or "the floor was mopped the wrong way" In the end the bed is still made and the floor was still mopped. Most of the time parent's just like to make their kids miserable and feel like they have no power/control, And when they seem to always say that they would never treat their kids the way their parents' treated them are always the people who write these kind of articles


maelstromwes March 22 2005, 20:30:12 UTC
Not quite what I was going for... but okay.


thetainedone March 22 2005, 20:42:54 UTC
What I said probably was the complete opposite of the point you were trying to get through


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