Anyone would think my life was boring or something. Not true, I'm just married, and still haven't been bothered to get 1) a working computer or 2) net access for our new place. Today is a bit of a slow afternoon work-wise though so here I am updating.
Maelstrm news:
*I'm loving being married to
firefly21 *I have attended 1, that's ONE, Ceroc dance class
-- I shall probably attend more, we'll see
*I am a more capable cook than I was 2 months ago
*Work was really boring, was looking like it might get more interesting
-- But there are murmurs of more boring instead.
-- If (moreBoring) then (searchForNewJobLikelihood++)
*I start in a monday night basketball league this coming monday
-- My team is better than I've played in for a while
-- I should probably practice some
*Aren't seeing much of my family
-- may have to organise seeing them more
*Aren't seeing much of anybody except
firefly21-- may have to organise seeing them more
*Am still mostly disorganised
-- Aha I see a link!
*Still haven't started teaching English to refugee kids
-- This is NOT because of lack of organisation on my part.
*Want to do a Magic: The Gathering night some time
-- Plan on colour printing a whole heap of cards, since Wizards of the Coast host all the images on line (go figure)
-- If playing MtG is of interest to you, let me know.
-- More interest might mean me being more organised.