Dec 04, 2014 21:45
I guess I'm posting this here because it's rarely visited. I'm guessing that by posting it here I'm venting in public while being private.
I hate violence. Really I do, I can go from calm and placid to unsure about why I have my fist clenched and I'm staring someone down without knowing about the intervening steps, and then stop. I really hate violence.
An example of that happened tonight. Someone who doesn't really know me chose to make me the target of a joke. That's fine. Take the piss out of me all you like to my face, I can deal with that, no problem. If you choose to take the piss out of me behind my back, that's ok too. I don't really care. Choose to do something behind my back that is physical, that can't be passed off, that is immutable - then we may well have a problem. If you don't know me, and don't know how I'll react to something then you shouldn't be surprised by any reaction I choose to give.
Throw a glass of water in my face as part of a joke, funny. Pour a glass over my head from behind as part of an ongoing joke, funny. Throw a glass of water over me for shits and giggles, well, it's water I might find it funny or I might not. Throw sauce over me from behind, in a restaurant, on a night out with my team, no, that's not fucking funny. I'm not impressed.