There is no god..? (and other scattered thoughts)

Jan 07, 2009 16:57

Firstly, came across this article (although I got it some tissues) about atheist advertising in London, being spearheaded by (you guessed it) Richard Dawkins.

So, I'm in my new place now with two awesome flatmates! And a kicking apartment. With a pool. And spa. And sauna. And gym. And tennis court. And concierge, although I've never seem him/her. Oh yeah, I've also got a balcony as big as my bedroom! It's huge! So I've decided to start a little garden patch on it.

There is a house warming coming up soon (most likely just after Oz Day) and it's fancy dress. Don't worry, nothing crass (unless that's your bag) and the theme is "House of Style". Think of a Planet of the Apes ape wearing a disco suit. In fact, that's the picture on the invite we're in the process of making. And yes, all you lovely people on my flist are invited.

I am so over this fucking heat, though. Not 10 minutes ago, it threatened to hit us with a thunderstorm, and then pussied out - and it didn't cool things down! Bastardry!

I had the most wicked NYE, with only one small hiccup - I misread the intentions of this girl I really like and missed out on an opportunity to go home with her. That's alright, there will be follow-though. I hope.

Finally, can someone get me this t-shirt? I loves it!

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