So I had this urge to go to Parramatta this afternoon. Why? Pfft, I just felt I needed to. As soon as I got there, I had a good friend run up to me and greet me warmly. Imad is still insane (think me, but constantly hyperactive and on speed or sugar) but always good value to hang out with. He's 21 and so cute! Reminds me of me when I was young and stupid. Stupider. You get the idea.
We decided to go see Gabriel, the movie I ranted about in a previous post, and I liked it. It feels like an Australian movie, even though it's not set here - per se. Very enjoyable from a catholic mythology point-of-view. See it, it's good fun!
But more importantly, I caught up with Paul, who I also haven't seen in an age-and-a-half. He's a good soul. Solid person who I value as a friend. Didn't get enough time to talk to him on-on-one, but we talked nonetheless. He's one of those guys who feel comfortable around, that I don't need to play any facades, but be my genuine self. Why, I don't know, but I value him for it.
I even found time to talk to the guys at The Guitar Factory about my lay-by (yes, I'm in hyphen heaven right now, fuck off) and bought lots of picks.
Content doesn't even sum it up. I'm Stoked. The world is a good place. There are decent people out there. Hello world, I'm happy and you gotta put up with it!
And just to add to the entertainment, here's a meme I stole off
"If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought?"
Go on, you know you wanna!