Jun 29, 2008 13:35
So I'm so tired from working so many double the last coup[le days, After I WALKED home from Sobeys at 7am this morning I went to sleep after setting my alarm to wake me up at 10 so I could get ready to go out to PRIDE cause the parade is today :(
BUT I must be so tired that I turned off and back on my alarm in my sleep or something0- cause it's still set for 10am but I woke up at 12:45. Which sucks, no time to shower, no time to get ready for Pride, no Pride for Rya. :(
Some asshole at Sobeys last night made me cry, I'm stressed and tired and i ate M&M's for food yesterday at 3am...which I guess was actually today so I didn't eat yesterday...but this asshole was yelling at me cause I was trying to find the coupon menu for the gut in front of him's stuff cause he had coupons, but I couldn't remember what to do cause this ass was yelling at me and demanding to see a manager and we have NONE there and he wouldn't believe me.
I rang his shit through and got him out of there, his wife was apologizing that her husband was an Asshole, which amused me. But blah I never could handle people yelling at me and when I feel this way it's even worse.
I think I'm getting sick.
And Cineplex are assholes and make me late in getting to Sobeys...so today I'm just leaving at 10:30, fuck them.
My feet hurt...my legs hurt...getting sick...feel like crap...smell like butter and popcorn...tiiiirrreeddd....
Why am I doing this again?
Oh right...
X-Japan X-Japan X-Japan X-Japan X-Japan X-Japan X-Japan X-Japan! I'll just keep chanting that to myself...
I shouldn't have stress in the summer...it should be a law...:(
I get tomorrow off...sleeping then getting bus pass and buying WEMF ticket with little money I DO have.
* Oh the title is what one of the terminals at work at Sobey's said last night. I noticed when I was cleaning, it amused me a lot.