Aug 22, 2007 09:36
Life has been up and down.
School is back in session. I never realized just how bad parking is if you don't live on campus. It's not quite bad enough to make me want to go back to the dorms, but I will never say that people are bitching too much when they say parking was a nightmare. All of my classes look good. I'm excited about my Criminal Justice (Ethics) and my Poltical Science (Religion and Politics) classes. Both are higher level classes that look to be very invigorating.
I had to quit my job as a rent-a-cop. The hours just weren't gonna work with school and the pay was not what I expected. I'm now looking for something new. If I can't find something stable by about mid-October, I'm gonna have to seriously consider TDC (Texas Department of Correctiions, for those not familiar with it). Especially considering what's happened recently with PJ (that would the girlfriend) and the fact that she was attacked and nearly killed while working there, I'm not all that excited about that possibility.
But I've got applications in all over the place, so I'm hoping that something comes up.
Both of the pregnant kitties have had their kittens. Tara had six and Fuzzy had five. Once they're weaned, I'm going to take at least one, possibly two.
And, finally, the most exciting thing so far: I GOT MY SENIOR RING TODAY!!!!!eleventy!!!
Expect picspam shortly.