Gacked from
Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
Paperback of any kind. Except for some. Harry Potter is all hardback and I'm getting the newest Laurell K Hamilton as they come out in Hardback. But it has to be either a really good book/series or a really cheap book for me to get hardback.
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
I grew up with nothing but Barnes and Noble, so that's what I know. Although I've recently discovered the the Borders down the road in The Woodlands carries Stargate books, depends on what I want.
Bookmark or dog-ear?
Dog-ear. I lose bookmarks. Or they fall out. Or both.
Amazon or brick and mortar?
Amazon when I know exactly what I want. Otherwise, I just like to browse.
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
I have a system. It's basically alphabetical but with some randomness thrown in for good measure. So, my way.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
*is shocked* People actually throw away books? Oh, no. If I don't like it for whatever reason, then I take it to Half Price Books and get a little back. But I'm poor, so I do stuff like that.
Keep dust jacket or toss it?
Definitely keep it. It makes the book look pretty. ;)
Read with dust jacket or remove it?
Remove it. Otherwise the dust jacket gets all crumply.
Short story or novel?
Novel. Unless it's a short story that's been tacked onto a novel. Short stories just don't do it for me outside of fanfic.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Lemony Snicket looks vaguely disturbing to me. Harry Potter.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
When I'm so tired that I fall asleep, yeah...otherwise, chapter breaks. Otherwise I forget what's happening.
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
"A scream pierced the night."
Buy or borrow?
The last time I tried to borrow a book, I forgot I borrowed it and he moved to another state. Buy.
New or used?
If it's cheap and looks interesting...whatever. I stalk B&N just as much as I stalk Half Price Books.
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
Browse mostly. Sometimes reviews and quite a few recs. Jason and I actually spent about an hour browsing a book store going through the shelves and pointing out books. It was fun!
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
If I know the next books is coming like *now* then I can deal with a cliffhanger. Otherwise I like for most of the book to be wrapped up. A few loose ends that leave the reader thinking are okay.
Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
Potty reading! I read while doing my biz. But I prefer nighttime reading just because that's when I'm most alert and things click easier.
Stand-alone or series?
Equal opportunity. I have a lot of series and a lot of stand-alones. Whatever strikes my fancy.
Favorite series?
Kushiel's Legacy Favorite children's book?
Any Dr. Seuss
Favorite YA book?
Does Harry Potter count?
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
I got nothin. I've found at least *someone* who reads most of the same stuff that I read.
Favorite books read last year?
I forget what all I've read. Stargate books rank high and Kushiel books.
Favorite books of all time?
Ender's Game and the Kushiel books (can you tell that I like them?)
What are you reading right now?
Kushiel's Legacy and various Stargate books.
What are you reading next?
Kushiel's Justice
Favorite book to recommend to an eleven-year-old?
Depends on the eleven-year-old. When I was eleven? Ender's Game. When most people are eleven?
Redwall and the accompanying series.
Favorite book to reread?
Any Orson Scott Card.
Do you ever smell books?
Hehe...I smell old books.
Do you ever read Primary source documents?