Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I want a pony and an Xbox and... Oh, wait...
As far as fic goes, I like pretty much everything except for heavy kink that involves scat or water sports. Breath play is good, blood play can be hot and on and on. If you have an idea for a kink and aren't sure if I'll like it, feel free to leave an anon comment and I'll get back to you. I am an angst and H/C whore, but I also love really good fluff. I don't expect a holiday fic, but if that's what you've got, then go for it.
I love all ratings. If you don't write porn, I'll love it. If you do write porn, I'll still love it so long as you don't have a magical self lubricating penis or anything like that. Sex needs lube or else it hurts and that sort of pain is not cool.
Okay, my friend. I've discovered that I did not save the sign up thing as I thought I had, so I'm winging it trying to remember what I actually submitted with. So you're going to have to help me with this. I know I always have issues with those letters that say "these are my general likes and dislikes" but don't give me any sort of guidance on the actual prompts or fandoms.
Audrey/Nathan/Duke - snark
I love Haven and these three and that SyFy seems to have, perhaps unintentionally, given us a canon OT3. I love how you get Duke jealous that Audrey wants to tell Nathan some things first and how honest she is that that's what she's doing. At the same time, she's very willing to talk to Duke about stuff she might not otherwise talk to Nathan about. I love how, when they're all together, it's one huge snark fest. While I have no doubt in my mind that these three get together somehow, I just don't know how it'll happen. If you think you can tackle that, I would love to see your take on it. If you're like me and haven't got a clue, I would love to see snarky fluff in an established relationship. Have an idea for a case fic? Go for it! I'd rather not see anyone pregnant, but that's really my only squick with these three.
I actually wrote a fic for this threesome last year. It's on the archives if you want to check it out and see how I envision them. I think my prompt involved something about Parker's boys. I don't necessarily see this with any sort of BDSM elements to it, but don't let that stop you. I wouldn't mind seeing an exploration of their darker sides (again, not necessarily in a kinky sort of way) and how protective they are of each other, maybe even from Nate and Sophie. I would love to see Parker save the day in some convoluted, messed up sort of way that no one else thinks has a chance in hell of working, but, because it's Parker, it totally does. Again, case fic, fluff, angst, whatever. You cannot go wrong with these three.
Criminal Minds
This is really the only one of the three of mine that I have no problems with kids in, mostly because it's canon that Hotch has a kid. While I see tension between the three of them, these guys don't get together in my head until sometime after the beginning of season 5, though I can believe as early as the end of season 4. I wrote a pre-OT3 fic for this if you want to check the tags and see that. It was Rossi's POV and very introspective, but that'll give you an idea of how I see their relationship. I really love angst between these three. Not necessarily angst about their relationship, though I would love to see that, but they do work dangerous jobs and they put themselves in harm's way. They each know why the others do it and wouldn't give it up for the world, but that doesn't stop them from fearing for each other.
At this point, I know that I was going between prompting for Sanctuary or Stargate SG-1. I think I chose SG-1. I'm going to give you my thoughts on both just in case. If it was something else entirely, please feel free to smack me over the internet and give me an anon comment and I'll correct this. If you prefer the prompt for whatever I didn't actually sign up with, if it's okay with zvi, then I would love to see you write it.
Stargate SG-1
I got a fic for these three last year. I know, I could be a little more original and prompt for something else, but I love them and firmly believe that there can never be too much fic for them. My personal canon has these three getting together sometime season 8 or later, probably post S8, just because of the military rank thing going on. I'm okay with this being any pairing bringing in the third as part of the natural progression of the relationship or all three getting together at the same time. I have no preference between first time or established. Mostly, though, these three must approach each other as equals. I love fics where they're all basically ranked the same (each department heads of sorts) and they all answer to either Hammond or the Joint Chiefs or whatever because Sam has that ingrained military tendency to defer to her superior officer and, when Jack is that person, it doesn't work. Which is not to say that they can't turn the "sir" thing into a cheeky game. I would just rather her scream his name and not "sir" when they're in bed together.
I fell in love with this OT3 at the end of season 1 when we got such awesome interaction between each side of the triangle. I've always believed that Helen cut herself off from James because he reminded her too much of what else she'd lost. I would love to see an AU where James lives and he and Helen have to figure out what's going on with John so they can all live happily ever after. I also know that this OT3 was doomed from the get go and would love to see a post relationship introspective from any of the three of them.
The moral of the story is to write what you have. Again, I have no problems updating this if you're just not sure about something I've said or if I gave you a prompt and then didn't talk about it here because I completely forgot that I remembered that OT3 at the last minute and changed stuff around. And I definitely encourage you to check the tags in this journal as I have done meta on most of these shows.
Happy writing!